the RolePlaying Game

Overview of the System:

"You must unlearn what you have learned..."

Star Wars is one of the easiest systems to learn how to play. The characters are created with templates and the character recieves points to increase them by. The easy part is that all stats are written in a dice code to determine how something occurs. Each roll must contain a die that is different from the rest of the dice the player has. This is called the wild die and has special results. A 6 on the wild die allows the player to roll again adding the 6 to his score. A 1 takes away the highest result of the other dice. Skills are also available in the system and cost points based on the die code of the six attributes: Dexterity, Knowledge, Mechanical, Perception, Strength and Technical. Each attribute has skills along with it. Starting skills vary depending on the template.

Raising and Learning Skills

"I see you have constructed a new lightsaber.... Your skills are complete."
-Darth Vader

To raise a skill the cost is simply the number in front of the D in the dice code for that skill. For an example to raise a skill with a die code of 3d+2 to 4D the cost is 3 character points. To learn a skill the cost in character points is the number in front of the D for the attribute. For example to learn Missile Weapons, a dexterity skill, for someone with a Dexterity of 2D+1 would cost 2 points to raise it to 2D+1 another 2 for 2d+2 and so on as mentioned above. To raise an Attribute, however is much pricier. The cost is the number in front of the D in the attribute score times 10. So if one had a Strength of 2D+2 it costs 20 points to raise it to 3D. The good thing is, that if you raise the Attribute 1 pip, all your skills under that attribute also raise a pip.

Jedi Skills, Powers and Force Points

"But beware Anger... Fear... Agression, the Dark Side are they...."

Jedi Skills and Powers work just like normal skills. It costs the same amount of points to raise a Jedi Power that it does to raise a skill, the number of points in front of the D in the die code. Force skills are always at the same level as the power they are under. Force skills that are in two or all 3 powers, will be at the lowest skill, unless it is otherwise mentioned in the description. Force points are points which are given to characters for acts of heroism. If a character sucessfully does a deed that saves many lives, is excessively difficult, etc. at the dramaticly appropriate time, the GM may give him/her a force point. Force points allow you to use double the dice for a certain action only usable 1 per action. If the character uses a force point in an act of fear, anger, agression or other simmilar act he automatically gains 1 Dark Side point. Upon obtaining a Dark Side point the GM rolls 1d6 if the roll is less than the number of Dark Side points that character has, then he is consumed by the Dark Side of the Force. To relieve a Dark Side point from a character, he must atone for at least 1 adventure. If he does so and commits no acts of evil, the GM may remove 1 Dark Side point. Characters who are force sensitive may have an unlimited number of force points. Non force sensitive characters may have only 5. Any more than 5 will be traded in for 3 character points.


"That boy was our last hope..."
"No, There is another..."
-Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda